Saturday, June 29, 2013
Johnny Park trail - before the "Celebration of Life" event for Peter

One of the forum members, Peter (Brody), took his life last fall. There is scheduled a Celebration of Life event in Estes Park today. Several of the forum members will be attending the Celebration, but before going, decided to visit the Johnny Park trail as it was a noted trail between one member and Peter.

I did not take any photos of the Celebration, though will say, it was a good event to attend. I learned more of Pete than I had known of him in our few meetings. My impression of him was that he carried his heart and mind on his shirtsleeve - you always knew (or at least I think) where he stood. From the Celebration, I came to find he was a high intelligence person who liked playing pranks/jokes upon friends, wrote books and poetry and created drawings (pencil and computer graphics) and would always be willing to help, with gusto, another person.

Off of US-36 heading to the Johnny Park trail

Many piles of slash to be burned

Old / non-worknig power line. There is "mostly" buried telephone line as well.

Suction mounted fishing pole transport

Sitting alongside US-34