Here's a map of the route I took. Not a GPS track log - a freehand
general description.
One of the fields
Crossing under US-251 (divided highway) and its two side roads
Trails along the rail road tracks out by the Rockford Airport
Here's a panorama picture of the field and "The Hill." I think
this was part of Camp Grant. Not sure on what it was used for.
(hint: scroll to the right if you don't see the whole thing)
The back / south side of the hill is filled with winding trails in the
Looking from the hill towards Rockford Airport. In the far left
'frame' of this panorama is the UPS Air Hub with two or three of their
planes out. The middle of this panorama is the airports terminal.
A MidWest (Northwest?) Express (red) airplane that just landed is just
visible in the bottom left of the terminal building. (scroll to the
right again)
At the sothern end of Runway 01/19 is Airborn Express's building.
One plane is sitting in front (tail just visible above the roof of
the building (mid-right)).
Byron Nuclear Power Plant towers visible in the S/W horizon.
On to the V-Culverts (this is on the North side of Harrison Ave - West
of 20th Street)
Visible is the tail light of the snowmobile in the middle tube of the
"3-Tubes." These three tubes go under the two rail road tracks just
north of the 20th Street / RR Track crossing.
There's also one long tunnel to go through - filled with smooth ice
Here's a panorama overlooking the Kishwaukee River. This park
is on the East side of the river just south of Blackhawk road.
Same park:
Hope you enjoyed these pic's!