2007-02-08 Yamaha SRV 540 pickup day - it's heading to EUROPE ???!!!???!!!
2007-01-26 Yamaha SRV 540 pictures - just before it was eBay'd
2005-02-09 Michigamme trip - Snowmobile with Luke & Ryan, Maple Ridge Resort
2005-01-22 Snowmobile to work - Heavy Friday evening snow - ride the sled to work on Saturday
2004-03-15 Video Setup - A few have asked for spec's on how the 2004-02-24 video was created.  Here it is.
2004-02-24 UP Sled trip - 6 sleds - Houghton MI area with six sleds.  I joinined in for two days of riding.  Full sun - no clouds - which made for some good video.  The downfall was a set of warm days - low 40's each day.  Most of the trails were quite smooth with only one 20 mile section being not so great.
2003-12-28 Yamaha SRV 540 pictures - Assorted pictures after it was (mostly) reassembled.
2003-12-20 Yamaha SRV 540 gear - Removal and reinstallation of the crankshaft oil pump / tachometer gear
2003-11-30 Key West Regulator Rectifier - Install the Key West Reg/Rect on the SRV for constant 12V DC power (unit was removed, unused)
2003-11-02 Leakdown test - Pulled the SRV 540 motor to re-seal the case but first I processed a leak test - and noted where the major leaks were
2003-03-05 Curtis MI trip - Ride in the Upper Penninsula of Michigan with Ken, Luke, & Mike.
2003-01-17 Comet Clutch Spider Removal
2001-02-26 UP trip - Head up to the Keweenaw Penninsula with Luke & Ken.
2001-01-20 Local sledding - I visited some of the odd places in town - and a nice park - and had the camera with me.
2001-01-10 Mercer trip - Up to Mercer WI with Luke, Burke, Jarod.
2000-12-16 GPS jacket - How the GPS is mounted to my jacket - useful in creating the maps / tracklogs of the trips.
2000-02 Grand Mesa trip - Snowmobiling on the Grand Mesa in Colorado with Luke & Bob.  Fine hospitality with Jack & Betty.